Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Changed Mind . . .

I have been thinking back on both messages from this past weekend – Pastor Chad’s message on being consumed by God and the message that I brought on stress and stress being a faith problem. Along with thinking about those two sermons (that’s called meditating by the way) and reading a book that God has lead me to – I’m being drawn to a simple conclusion – we need to change the way we think.

In order to have a faith that we can depend on, we have to believe what God says about himself and all that He has done, is doing, or is going to do. The only way that we will ever get to that point is for us to seek God and draw close to Him.

It is really amazing how my thinking has changed since I met and married Irene. I’m not saying that she has changed me, what I am saying is that I think differently than I did before we met. I love my wife more today than I did 8 years ago when we first got married. That love has grown because of the way I think about her and my life.

To have a greater faith in God we need to spend time with Him. We think it important enough to set dates and times to be with the people that we love. Why don’t we think it important enough to set times and dates to be with a God who loved us enough to send His Son to die for us?

In order to grow more and more in love with our Savior we need to spend more time in His word and in conversations with Him. Jesus is not an ATM where we can go only when we need something. It is important to understand that a relationship is what Jesus wants from us and a relationship is based on the time spent on that relationship. As that relationship is developed, the way that we think changes and as we begin to change the way we think about our Savior and Lord our faith grows.

Until next time, keep your eyes on Jesus and schedule time to spend with Him daily.

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