Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What does God want – the end – for now . . .

I want to wrap up this line of thought for now. I have posted about what it is that I believe that the scripture says that God wants – a relationship with us. This is not religion – it is relationship. It is knowing and loving God. It is a relationship such as that between a bride and groom. What I find as I continue to search God’s word is that He is all about relationships.

As I type this I go back, in my mind, to this past Sunday and Mike’s sermon on worship. Our worship should be all about our relationship with God. In fact – everything that we do should be about our relationship with God. I look at the woman at the well in John chapter four and this is what I see – a woman whose short relationship with Jesus so impacted her life that she brought a whole community to see Him. Do you remember when your relationship with Jesus so impacted your life that you wanted everyone you knew to know about this man they call Jesus?

Maybe we need to slow our lives down and focus on our relationship with God and remember the impact that His touch made on us. Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and spend the time to rediscover your relationship with God.

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