Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Consumed with a thought . . .

Have you ever been consumed with a thought or a concept? That’s where I’ve been lately – the consumed part. It seems that I hear a word or a concept maybe on a Sunday during a worship service and from then on it seems that it shows up everywhere I look. This week it is the word Grace.

As I sit here typing this I have all of these different meanings to this word grace running through my head:
- it can be a woman’s name
- it is something said before a meal in the south
- a name used in a beach music song – Ms. Grace
- it is something received that is not deserved

In the coming days we’ll look at some of what is said in the scriptures about God’s grace. For now – this is enough – I have work to do. Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and when someone uses the word grace – what do you think of?

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