Monday, March 3, 2008

Spring Fever . . .

I don’t know about the rest of you, but as for me, I have spring fever. I am now ready for all of the crazy weather to go away and the weather to settle down. These 30 degree temperature changes are killing me. I get up and it’s cold outside, ok, at least it is cool out side and by 3:00 pm it’s 70 plus degrees outside. Now, I’m not really gripping about the temperature right now because it is awesome. I’m gripping because I am at work and it is really nice outside. I am really blessed to have a great job and great people to work for. I still want to be outside on a 70 degree day. I begin to think of all the project that I could be working on at home. Even better yet, since I am struggling right now, a nap in a hammock would be really nice. Now that I am off my soap box, it’s back to work. If you are struggling with this also, send me a comment and we’ll support each other in this pity party.

Until; next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and hang that hammock under the tree.

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