Friday, March 14, 2008

Hello world . . .

For those of you that may be wondering why I have not been posting lately – well, I am now trying to keep up with two Blogs. You may be asking yourself, self why would Allen want to try to keep up with two Blogs? I am testing a different blog site and format to see if I like it better. It also helps me keep things a little more separated in my head. Now that may seem a little obscure to you, but it is working, kind of, for me right now. You can read form my other blog by using the link named – Allen’s other blog.

Just to catch everyone up on what has been happening in mine and Irene’s life:
  • The Journey was commissioned by Rocky Creek last Sunday evening.
  • We have a few families that are committed and others that are still praying about joining up.
  • We will start going through a process called PLACE this Sunday evening and I am really looking forward to it. It will be great to learn each others personalities and their spiritual gifts.
  • Mike Thompson and I meet weekly to talk through the business of the church and its direction. It is great to watch how God is working in our lives and the life that He is breathing into this church.
  • Irene and I have ordered three new windows for our house and they will get put in place over the next week. I love having a brother that knows how to do this stuff that is willing to come down to the house and help.
  • We actually have a couple of spring clown events that are coming up in April and May. This is generally a slow time for us.
  • Irene and I have booked and are in the process of planning our 10th anniversary trip in October. You may wonder where we are going – Disney World. I have been looking at maps of the park and can hardly wait.
  • I still get out in my shop and work from time to time and once spring clean-up around the house is done, I hope to get out there and get a few projects ahead.

Well, that’s enough for now. Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and full speed ahead number one.

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