Monday, January 28, 2008

Weekend Recap and Looking to the Future . . .

Just a few thoughts from the weekend:

  • Irene and I spent the weekend at the Meltdown Student Conference. It was over the top. Thank you Toby for inviting us to come and help out – you are the man.
  • We heard Scott Smith speak Friday evening and then heard Adrian Despres and Ken Forester speak on Saturday.
  • When we went to breakfast Saturday morning it was snowing.
  • 33 Miles was in concert that night and they were fantastic. Rumor is they may open Meltdown ’09.
  • We had White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Banana Pudding Saturday Night. Holy Mackerel that was good.
  • We saw Jared Hall, a Christian illusionist Saturday night and he was – WOW!! Where did that bowling ball come from??
  • We got to spend some time hanging out and eating with Steve, Kim, AJ and Molly Conley and hear about their new church and talk clowning.
  • Sunday mornings highlight to me was the splat experience. If you don’t know what that is – check this out.
  • We got to eat at the Apple Barn, Alamo Steak House, Calhoun’s, and the Old Mill. I love being married to a woman who likes to eat at good restaurants.
  • Why does the ride home from Pigeon Forge always seem longer than the one going up there?

Looking at the future:

  • We start training sessions with our prospective core group for the Journey this weekend.
  • I talked with a friend of mine about designing me a sweet new background for my blog and the future.
  • Mike’s at a training session for the next two days. I can’t wait to hear the great things that he has learned.
  • I’m still working on reading the “Simple Church”. Hopefully I’ll have it finished in the next couple of weeks.
  • Irene gave me a book for Christmas and that is what I am reading next, just for pleasure.
  • I have got to get back in my shop this week. There are projects that are backing up.
  • I am having lunch with Robbie Funderburk this Friday. We haven’t had a chance to talk in a couple of months and I am really looking forward to spending some time together.

Next time we’ll spend some time talking about LIFE Groups, but until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and one more white chocolate macadamia nut banana pudding please.

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