Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sorry . . .

To those who read this blog, I am sorry that I have not been posting like I should. Right now I am way behind in a lot of things. So here are a few of the things that I have been dealing with:

We finally got the big submittal out at the office that I have been working on, so that is one thing off my plate. Now all of the follow-up begins. This is the part of my job that I enjoy the least.

Mike Thompson and I have been meeting a least once a week at area coffee houses trying to find a home for our meetings. I think that we have settled on Java Jolt on Butler Road. The coffee is good and they have WIFI. It is the biggest rush to see how God is directing people into our paths with the same burdens that we have. One thing that I am seeing through all of this is that God has His hand on this and He has a set direction for this Journey.

I will get back to the acrostic on Disciple, I promise. It just seems that the time to finish that up seems to go somewhere else when I get a little spare time. Something else to watch for in the near future is a discussion of our upcoming L.I.F.E. groups through The Journey. I am finally getting my head wrapped around that whole concept.

I have been reading the Simple Church along with a couple of other books. If you have not read this book, get your hands on a copy and start reading. It is a book about how we have over complicated the church with an overload of programs. This is something that I have been feeling deep in my soul for several years and did not have a clue what to do about it. Whether you agree with what is said in this book or not, it is an excellent read.

Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and try a caramel latte – they are over the top.

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