Thursday, June 26, 2008

What does God want . . .

Have you ever wondered what God really wants? I mean – what does He want the most? Well, I ran across something in Hosea that kind of jumped off the page at me at three am yesterday morning. I’m not sure why I woke up – except that my neck was killing me. I guess that was God’s way of waking me up to have a little time with Him, since my neck was fine the night before.

I had been reading in first and second Timothy lately, but that night God directed me to Hosea. Now when I say that He directed me – I did not hear an audible voice, but it was awfully close. When I get that kind of epiphany I generally go where it leads and it led to Hosea. What I did not realize is that it would take two days to get to what God had for me.

In the 6th chapter and the 6th verse you find the following. This is God talking to Judah and Israel and He states pretty clearly what He really wants. What I see here is that God wants two things: 1) He wants a faithful love – a love that lasts, one that is loyal to the very end and – 2) He wants people to know Him – a real relationship with Him, a personal knowledge of Him.

Bear with me for just a couple of quick statements about each of these. God wants us to have a real love for Him. He wants this more than all of our religious acts. He is not impressed by how many times we go to church, how many Sunday School pins we have or how many offices we hold in the church. He wants us to fall in love with the author and creator of love – Himself. Secondly or maybe it needs to come first – God wants us to know Him. I would think that this probably would come before love, but I am writing in the order that I see it in the scriptures. The Message states that God wants us to know Him not go to more prayer meetings. God is looking for a relationship not merely an acquaintance. He is looking for a relationship not more religious duties.

I’ll look more at what God is looking for and develop this thought more next time, but for now – keep your eyes on Jesus and stop all your running around and build a relationship with the creator of the universe.

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