Friday, March 22, 2013

What kind of day will you have today?

Well it's finally Friday. What kind is this going to be for you?   Will this be a "finally Friday "?  A fabulous Friday?  A frantic Friday?

Today I choose for it to be a good day not to be confused with Good Friday. Today will be a day of reflection and progress. 

As I look back at this week - it has been a good week. We have enough work to be able to work some overtime and that pays outstanding bills off. I've made progress on the project that I'm working on although not as much as I wanted. But I've been focused and that has been nice.

I look at a week in which I got some rest and spent time with Irene and will get to do more of that over the weekend. I started back with this blog and my journal. I've spent time with.friends and family and will get to do that more over the weekend. 

My time with God has been a sweet time this week and I feel closer to my Lord because of it. The book of Hebrews is making me slow my mind and think and that is not a bad thing. As I sit here waiting to go to breakfast with Irene it's quiet and peaceful. That kind of peace that comes from God.

For now - have a blessed weekend and go worship a Holy God somewhere this weekend.

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