Monday, February 18, 2008

Reflections from the weekend . . .

Am I the only one that felt like this past weekend went away in a blink? Here are a few reflections from this past weekend:

  • Irene and I both seem to be finally on the mend from the upper respiratory infection.
  • I carried mother to have a bronci-scope done Friday, so now maybe she can start to get better. She at least got some rest this weekend.
  • I really enjoy being around the people that we are starting The Journey with. Next week we are doing a celebration time together and look at who is serious about becoming a partner in The Journey.
  • I finished reading “Quiet Strength” this weekend. I’ll post my thoughts later in the week.
  • I hate to say it, but I am hooked on Extreme Home Makeover.
  • Did anyone else see the new “Knight Rider” last night? I think that it has real potential.
  • NASCAR and racing season is finally back. I love to watch the races – I love the NASCAR naps even more.
  • Mike had a great post on “Who would you like to be like?” I may try to tackle that one later in the week.
  • Irene informed me that next weekend may be a yard work weekend. If it stays 60 degrees – I think that would be great. If I can get ahead, maybe I can keep up this year.
  • Celebrated birthdays with my father in law and sister in law this past weekend. We had great steaks, but the true hit of the weekend was Drake – the nephew. He is def the coolest kid around. I’ll try to post pictures this week.
  • Irene and I are trying to get everything ready to go to Disney for our 10th anniversary. I am looking forward to the trip, but not as much as the rest of my life with the woman of my dreams. I Love You – Irene.

Until, next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and I’m going to Disney World.

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