Friday, March 6, 2009

Confused . . .

Am I the only one whose body and mind seem to be totally confused? Last Saturday it was raining. By Sunday afternoon it quickly turned to snow and I don’t know about your yard, but we had a strong 4 inches of snow which ended up bringing down 4 big limbs in our back yard. Monday we were out of work because we could not get out of the yard because of the snow. I am sitting here looking at the weather forecast for the weekend and I may need sunscreen – it is supposed to be pushing 80 degrees tomorrow. The next person that comes up to me and says something about global warming – I may just whack in the head. This is the craziest weather that I can remember.

I am confused about our new president. This is the guy who was supposed to bring about a new change and bring in hope. Thus far I have seen nothing new. Everything that I have heard him say sounds like it came straight out of some past president’s mouth – FDR, Lincoln, JFK, etc. Where’s the hope? Every time he makes a speech the stock market takes another nose dive. So far his stimulus packages seem to be stimulating us right into the poor house.

There is one thing that I am not confused about – God is still in control and still has a plan for each of us. Thank goodness our God is the same today as He was yesterday and will be tomorrow. Thank goodness He is still in control. Without this knowledge and the hope that I have in Him – I don’t know what I would do. My hope lies in heaven and the one who sits at the right hand of the Father. Where does your hope lie?

Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and rest in the knowledge that He is still in control.