Monday, September 22, 2008

Familiarity . . .

Here is a question that I started struggling with this morning and it may just be something that you are to – does familiarity breed apathy? I was reading in Max Lucado this morning and a basic thought that he proposed was that familiarity is a weapon that can be used against us in our daily lives.

My question to you is – do you believe this. If we become familiar with reading our Bible daily – do we become apathetic toward reading and studying God’s word? If we become familiar with praying - do we become apathetic toward prayer and our need for it? If we become familiar with our families – are we in danger of becoming apathetic toward our families and become dangerously close to loosing them? If we become familiar with our church – do we become apathetic toward our commitment to being the body of Christ?

The basic thought is that when something is new – it has our total focus. If you don’t believe this – watch children on Christmas morning and the toys that they play with. Then come back in six months and see what toys they are playing with and which ones they have cast aside. Some of the habits we had as children were placed aside as we grew older and some have been so much harder to break.

I am looking for something to stir our thoughts and start a discussion and maybe this is it. Anyway – until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and seek to keep everything fresh and new.